Tuesday, February 14, 2006

I demuted commercials in time for a local news promo that said, "gun right in his face!" and fully expected to see a corresponding image of the vice president. How many times in our nation's history has one been able to reasonably expect such a thing?
Sadly, I was disappointed.

The thing I'm watching is Gilmore Girls. It's getting way less fun somehow. None of you watch, do you. You think it's stupid. Well, I think they lost me when they all got so rich.

I am excited a little tonight because I have some big plans tomorrow, including

and who cares about the rest.

Well, it won't be all that fun, involving a long time at the student health center hoping for eventual attention and medicine, that insurance might not help me with because what retarded insurance, but nevermind about that, then also there is work to do. But I will have time to do it for once! Some, anyway! And I might be able to mail my father a belated birthday gift! I will be free to go about the town on a weekday in daylight!

It will be hard to not just sleep.
Man, I sure hate some things. Many things. But let's be vague.

Happy Valentine's!


At 2/14/2006 8:36 PM, Blogger Kristi said...

sometimes i think about writing about the kids but it's hard to draw the line of ethics on that front. esp when one of the things i want to share is how refreshingly docile troublemakers are when they're nauseous. you even feel moved to pat their backs.


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