I might try to blog more frequently (?) so here
Today was kind of fun. We are finishing up our methods classes (random-activity classes that feel like a waste of time but are required for licensure) today and tomorrow, and that's kind of a pain in the ass, but today one of our activities was going to the Elsinore Theatre (which, as you might recall, I am somewhat familiar with), and oh my gosh you guys, it was so fun. For one thing, I just like being there, because it's so weird and pretty. But also, we got shown around the balcony sections (I don't usually go up there, and never sat up there), hallways I never knew existed, the stage (there's a magician escape! that's what it's called! a magician escape! it leads down to one of the dressing rooms!), and the dressing rooms themselves. And tomorrow night Bea Arthur is coming to the theatre, so that was mentioned several times, and I'm not sure how to explain what that added to the proceedings, but you guys I have been in Bea Arthur's dressing room. I also got to explain to someone that Bea Arthur is not a man. And the organ! The organ was played for us, and explained to us! Did you know, there are like a bazillion tons of organ pipe in the building! Seriously, tons! Some of it like up high in the walls or ceiling, I don't know! And I guess previously I'd been under the impression organs were faking their sounds somewhat, with the bellows and pipes, like the prototype of electric keyboards I guess, but duh no! THERE ARE REAL FUCKING INSTRUMENTS BEING PLAYED BY THE ORGAN, INSTRUMENTS UP HIGH ABOVE THE STAGE, LIKE IN THE CEILING! Drums, various drums, a harp, cymbals, A TAMBOURINE! And the piano, on the other side of the stage CAN BE PLAYED LIKE THERE'S A GHOST PIANIST, from the organ. And I was kind of hesitant to ask how they get to the instruments, because I thought I might be letting us in for a boring and unnecessarily complicated answer, but dude, it involves a trapdoor, with a ladder in it, 36 steps (like a hitchcock movie, minus 3 steps!) and getting through very tight spaces. I wish we could have seen those instruments. I can't even imagine how it works. My mind boggles. Boggles.
Then after that we had some science activities back at the school of education and that was ok, but tomorrow I have to do PE methods. Even still, years after my last PE class, the thought of PE fills me with disgust and anti-participatory spirit. And, somehow, I feel anti-American.
oh, also supposedly there have been ghosts! bullshit, right, but it is nice anyway they have bullshit ghost stories!
old movies. they have different series, showing most wednesday nights. i saw "the misfits", "nosferatu," "casablanca," "lawrence of arabia," "to have and have not," and...i forget if i saw anything else there. i might go next week, because it's a jean arthur movie, but also it's an airplane movie, so maybe i won't go. Only Angels Have Wings. A couple weeks from now they're going to play His Girl Friday, so I hopefully will go to that.
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