if you are a light-skinned, gay arab muslim, i seem to prefer you to most other people.
I've only done three of these so far. I saw the link in a Slate article.
Though, of course, I shot for the "little to no preference" on all tests, I have yet to achieve it. Then again, I have felt sick all day (I had a 2 hour nap! It seems so long since my napping days), and it advises you not have outside distractions whereas I have a movie on the television and also vaguely had to pee through two of the tests. I got a "slightly prefers" for both Arab Muslims and light-skinned people, the last of which makes me want a do-over, but whatever we are all racist. I got a "moderately prefers" for the gay test though. And there are many more! But wow, are they confusing! And what if I find out I hate disabled Native Americans?
there is one that tested how much i liked bush compared to nixon---> "little to no preference," finally.
now i've done a do-over of light/dark, and have a moderate pref for dark! that is a big difference, iat. weird.
i am going to do the career one now!
ooo, i am on a little to no automatic preference roll! for gender/career, black/white.
oh listen to the most confusing one:
Your data suggest a moderate association of Asian American with American and European American with Foreign compared to European American with American and Asian American with Foreign.
i need to stop playing these soon probably.
I have a moderate automatic preference for thin people compared to fat people.
I can see how these can be a little addictive.
"Your data suggest little or no association between European American and Asian American with American and Foreign"
A bunch of times I tried to put the white people in the "foreign" category. Oops.
yay, someone is playing my "are you a bigot" game with me!
i wonder what would have happened if they had shown us asian foreign landmarks--did yours? mine showed like the eiffel tower and london things, so i kept making the white people foreign too. which, right there, is some kind of prejudice, because there are people of asian heritage in france and england. but, you know, whatever.
that's what happens when i think a lot about prejudice: "but, you know, whatever."
I am a bad person because i moderatly prefer skinny people to fat people. That's the only one i've taken so far. I am sure that I will have more reasons to hate myself after a few
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