Monday, January 30, 2006


I thought about doing this meme a couple days ago, when I read the answers of a bunch of people I don't know, and then I saw another person's answers for the quiz just now, so I TAKE IT AS A SIGN TO POST. Plus it's a little interesting. Plus it's better than giving into my urge to talk about depressing things. Depressing things can come here some other time I suppose.

Four jobs I've had:
1. technical writing intern
2. instructional aide for kindergarten
3. barista
4. box office/concessions for independent movie theater

Four movies I can watch over & over:
1. The Third Man
2. Bringing Up Baby
3. The Royal Tenenbaums (Rushmore too, but more this one for me)
4. Um, this is tough. I'm narrowing it down, for now, to four movies, and I'm sorry that's the best I can do: Breaking Away, The Muppet Movie, Hannah and Her Sisters, and Paris, Texas.

Four places I've lived:
1. Littleton, Colorado
2. Bakersfield, California
3. San Diego
4. Salem, Oregon

Four TV shows I love:
1. Arrested Development (duh)
2. Project Runway
3. The Office (either, of course, but the US one is more on the brain lately)
4. Gilmore Girls (don't you dare make fun)

Four places I've vacationed:
1. Alexandria, Minnesota (often, believe it or not)
2. New York, New York (hell of a town)
3. Um. I haven't had that many "vacations," I guess. Not like one sees in the brochures. If we're not also counting places I've lived, then.....Yucca Valley, California.
4. Dude, this is sad. Um. Vacationed. What does that even mean? I've been through there on a vacation? I stayed there for more than 2 days? Let's say San Francisco and its surrounding areas. Ok.

Four of my favorite dishes:
1. Quesadilla
2. Peanut butter and grape jelly TIED WITH peanut butter and honey toast. (I am such a gourmand)
3. Eggplant parmesan
4. something thai, though I am having problems picking. Pad Thai! Sure, ok.

Four sites I visit daily:
1. nytimes
2. bookslut
3. sadly,
4. i don't know, i use bloglines so i kind of visit 50 sites daily, and it's all a blur. gmail! yes. cheating? shush.

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. I guess NYC.
2. London!
3. Paris!
4. Tokyo!
Seriously, I don't know. I'm kind of not happy at this time, and I know place doesn't change that, and there's no person or thing I absolutely feel I need to be with at this time. It would be nice to see my doggies, but then I'd have to be in Bakersfield and that's no fun. It would be nice to be in those cities up there, but with money and....not alone, I think. But with who? Eh. I could go non-literal and say "in a place of fulfillment and joy".

Aw, damn, that was the last question.
I will make one up!

Four things I most want to buy at this exact moment but won't because it is cold and late and I have no money nor wherewithal:
1. some Deerhoof cd, maybe the most recent
2. eggplant parmesan
3. adult-sized, non-rusted umbrella--maybe one with the duck head. oh, i like those duck heads
4. a....passel of interesting cheap vinyl records to play with on my new record player. (see? see what i did there? totally not cheating)

I invite you now to play this game with me. Especially if you refused to play the Are You A Bigot game, you wet blanket.


At 1/31/2006 5:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

on the internet, it is usually some q/a thing that you pass from one person to another, or that others pick up on without you specifically asking them to.

At 2/03/2006 8:55 PM, Blogger Kristi said...

for vacationing, take out sf and put in monterey, california. i vacationed THERE, for real, for days and days multiple times in my childhood.


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