Wednesday, February 08, 2006

I teach a full day tomorrow, kind of pretty much by myself. With the supervising teacher watching etc., so you know WHEE.

Yeah, I don't know if it's that I've been kind of sick all week, fighting this thing that is making all my muscles hurt, and my throat and ears feel funny, and my heart sad, but I think I'm getting kind of mean to the children. For one thing, I miss the third graders. Even the ones I only had for math or reading group, I see them in the halls and am all, "HEYYYYY," like they're my long-lost buddies, and they're all, "Uh, hi, teacher I hardly know" and then avert their gaze in embarrassment for me. My favorite kid from the third grade, he goes to the after school program, and it is all I can do every afternoon to carry out my student-teacherly duties rather than run on down to play basketball with him.

With the kids actually in my class now,, I don't know. I know I've said "I don't care" several times lately. Also, "Figure it out." I said, today, " 'Fin-d'? I don't know this word 'fin-d'. Sounds Norwegian."

In my voice, often there's an undertone of: "Oh come on now."
Also, "There are b's in this world and then there are d's; get ahold of yourself here, kid."
"You annoy me so much. So, so much. Maybe go to sleep. Have a cracker. Hush."
Undertones, mind you. But kids'll pick up on this sort of thing, sooner or later. I really don't look forward to tomorrow. I feel so sick. I want soup and a puppy.


At 2/08/2006 10:44 PM, Blogger Kristi said...

What are good things in my life lately, maybe?
I should share that kind of thing. Well, I had coffee with a friend today; I saw His Girl Friday on the big screen at my beloved Elsniore; Friday I have a day off work to go to a tech conference in Portland, where also I might stay for a few days with my friend (the coffee one; basically my only one here) and EVEN GO TO A PARTY. Unless I become really really sick, as my body threatens.

Have you seen His Girl Friday? I have seen it maybe 6 times. I like it a lot. Even though it contains the words "colored" and "pickaninny". Consider the times, is what I say.

At 2/11/2006 10:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Three things:

1. How'd it go? Did you totally kick ass or what?

2. I am the veritable KING of the "Oh come on now" voice inflection, especially in my senior labs. Often I hear "Oh... we never learned that." Or the ever popular "I don't get it." Both of which always strike me as total cop outs. The former is just a lame excuse at shirking the fact that they don't remember or that they couldn't have been bothered to learn the stuff in the first place. The "I don't get it" is just a huge pet peeve of mine. It often just feels lazy to me, like a cop out or a half thought. It's like they couldn't be bothered to figure out what their question really is and that they expect you to do all the work. After an "I don't get it", I have to play 20 questions to figure out what it is exactly that they don't "get". By this stage in their education, they should be trying to meet me half way towards understanding... actively asking questions instead of passively.

3. My grandmother uses "colored" a lot, and not in reference to Ted Turner's re-releases. Of course, she's in her 70's and will never change... but I'm just saying, that stuff is still out there.

At 2/13/2006 8:54 PM, Blogger Kristi said...

oh, i forgot to answer this. i did not at all kick ass, it sucked.


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