Sunday, April 30, 2006

Hey, non-parent-related once again:
I had this bizarre dream last night, in which I was me but a little girl, and one of the boys in my actual student-teaching classroom was chasing me. In an annoying, kind of sinister way? Which is weird, because he's a nice little boy in non-dreamland. I was all, "stop being freaky," but he wouldn't, so I ran over and found this other boy from my classroom, the troublemaker who is also smart and likable sometimes, and he was all, "hey! look at my knife," and he had a switchblade, dudes. And I was all, "thank god," and held his hand for protection.

That is one of my favorite things I've ever dreamed: a small child pulling a knife; me feeling extreme relief and holding his hand for protection.
Yeah, I have no idea.


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