Monday, April 17, 2006

The kids have been learning a new song lately, which I hated on first note, called "Each Of Us Is a Flower". The lyrics continue, "growing in life's gaaaa aaar den/ Each of us is a flower/ something retarded about the sun"
and then it goes "suuuuuuuuuuuun
shine your warmth on meeeeeeeeee"
and fuck, it goes on
with moooooooooooon, wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind, raiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin, eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrth.
Anytime they sing it, I feel so uncomfortable and ironic and out-of-place. I feel I should never have thought of being an elementary school teacher, and dear god, never a primary grade teacher.
But, today, oh my gosh. I have had the song in my head. Without provocation. And then I think, "I hate either myself, or my life," and try to figure which, as I, I don't know, pick up pencils from the floor.

Just kidding!
Things are totally cool!
Hahh. Hooo.


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