Wednesday, March 22, 2006

There are daffodils blooming friggin' everywhere around here.

"Friggin'!" What a douche!

Yes, I did call myself a douche. Gross! Is it not one of the worst words ever?

I should have pictorial evidence of the daffodils a-blooming, because I mean it. I had to ask my supervising teacher today, "What is up with all the daffodils? They just grow here, or they're insanely popular springtime garden buys?" and she had to say, "They have naturalized!"
I keep typing @ for ! and I just then typed # for @ and when I went to type # just THEN, I typed @, so clearly I should leave all punctuation alone now

It took some will power to leave off the period there and oh my gosh to not use commas

I can't take it. I cannot live with the punctuation, and cannot live without.

Why am I even typing to you, I so obviously have nothing to say. Except: I think I have heartburn, right now.

The charm of Neko's album is already wearing off, even though I still think it's lovely in parts. I think she does not write songs all that well, and I have little else to say to back up this cutting assertion except that in the song Margaret and Pauline, it's like, the point of the song is that rich people get it easy? Poor people's lives suck? And how is this valid as a songwriting point in the year 2006? It's like, yeah, and? The twist? The purpose of your song? I don't know why this bothers me so much, but somehow it's gotten me all turned against Neko's lyrics. I am capricious.

It is Wednesday, I was supposed to be really happy, for you to see how happy I am now it's Wednesday. Well, I was at the school site from 7:30 to 7pmish, minus the time from 11:40 to 1 that I was out to lunch. So, how happy can I be?
I got to sit around and listen to a lot of personal things about a lot of children and their families, and it makes me a) try to recall what, if any, conferences I or my parents ever attended, b) wonder what would have been said if we had ever had such a conference, c) realize what a bizarre kid I was, all quiet and...weird, and d) long for contact with people I, paradoxically, don't have to talk with. Not strangers, the opposite.

Did you ever have conferences? We just had Open Houses, in my day. Did you have days off, given over to student/parent/teacher conferences? If so, fuck you.
ha ha

One last thought. First graders are much cuter one at a time. You kind of want to cuddle them, or play board games with them. You get sort of, Hey, you're small.


At 3/22/2006 11:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey kristi,
I had forgotten about your blog for a while, but i found it again! I know what you mean about kids one on one. I really like being a lunch lady because I get to interact with kids, but I'm not in an authority position and since I'm giving them food, they like me and are nice. i wish it paid more!

At 3/23/2006 10:37 PM, Blogger Kristi said...

hey, paula!


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