Saturday, March 11, 2006

For months now, I've been a little obsessed with this ring.
This kind of thing doesn't usually happen to me. Jewelry, it's nice, but I can usually take or leave it--and I would never have thought I'd ever HAVE TO HAVE a ring from Tiffany's.

See it's almost affordable, that's what gets me. I have spent that much stocking up on groceries. If I cancelled cable, after a couple months I'd have that much to spend. But, I should be saving, to pay off loans, to support myself while looking for a job, to have money to move....

Look again, at how pretty:

ring of beauty

unrelated ps:

Do any of you know how to mess with mp3 files? I have recordings of classes singing songs with an electric violin, but they're rough, and I can't figure how to bring up the voices, how to take away the "hot" parts where the amp interacted weirdly with the microphone...I am stupid about recording, and stupid about editing recording, so yeah---anyone able to help? Jack? Other people with a surprising hidden talent?


At 3/11/2006 11:16 PM, Blogger Jen said...

oh my goodness, that ring is gorgeous. how much is it? i am too lazy to search the tiffany sight for it.

but yes, that is good jewerly lust. i know the feeling.

At 3/12/2006 7:28 AM, Blogger Kristi said...

$125---for me the link i pasted takes me right to the ring, when it's in my bookmarks, but on the blog it's only taking me to the main tiffany page. ornery tiffany people.

At 3/12/2006 7:30 AM, Blogger Kristi said...

here's the link:

At 3/14/2006 11:10 AM, Blogger Vivren said...

I use a Nero program to edit mp3 tracks. It's called Nero Wave Editor. Do you have it/need it? I've never tried to adjust sound, but I'm sure it's simple because it's a pretty easy to use program.

At 3/14/2006 6:15 PM, Blogger Kristi said...

i do not have nero--and i'm starting to think that since i didn't have more than one input or something, i can't edit different parts out of the recording...i dunno. is nero free?

At 3/17/2006 3:20 PM, Blogger jack said...

don't know much about sound editing myself. i've played with mixing tracks before but nothing about adjusting sound levels especially with different tracks, i.e. voices vs. instruments, yada. i would wager there are pay-programs out there that could do this, but not sure if there are any or any good free or cheapie stuff.


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