Thursday, December 15, 2005


Someday, I will learn how to not sabotage friendships.

Someday, I will have a lover who's not a lameass.


Here is a picture of a moth,

in the classroom I went back to today (first grade). I am sorry I could not do better by the moth; it is a gorgeous moth. The top is off its tank but there's a warm light shining on it, thus it does not fly away, only stays there in furry creamy mothly beauty.

I have a lot to do tonight, but I feel in my bones that I will fall down on the jobs. I think I will, instead of doing things, decide to go to sleep. But then who is to say.
It will all turn out alright. (I almost forgot the title of my post.)


At 12/15/2005 4:59 PM, Blogger Kristi said...

the moth maybe is not here for our theme of optimism, but just for kicks. or maybe moths are inherently optimistic.

At 12/15/2005 5:00 PM, Blogger Kristi said...


At 12/28/2005 7:57 AM, Blogger Vivren said...

It's hard to see the moth. She's not in focus.


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