tale of bathtub woe here, if you haven't seen it.
I went to a play with the practicum class this morning--Sleeping Beauty. Kismet! Not really, because nothing interesting came of it. It was at the high school across the way, and grades k-3 all went together. It was cute how some of the jokes in the play relied on the written word (signs put up by characters) and only some of the third graders could read them, really, so you could tell the ones who could, because there'd be these little weird hah!s scattered around, kids all surprised and excited that they actually get those jokes.
I wish I had had the guts to take a picture of the frogs who played the music. At the back of the stage there was a girl playing the piano, with a parrot on her head, and that wasn't too exciting, but THE FROGS, oh my gosh. Two people, one on a drum kit, one with a tambourine, both wearing green sweats and Kermitesque frog heads, with the kermit notch eyes even, and some strange thing like a hat, a hat made of streamers, on the tops of their heads, their real heads peeking out of the gaping frog mouths...they accompanied the pianist, in this bizarre Shaggs-like way. Man. I can't even express it to you. I could not get over how funny they were, how funny they kept being any time I looked at them. One of the frogs, the tambourine frog, started looking back at me. I couldn't help it, I was in love with those frogs.
So now you know: you ever want my undivided attention, wear something like this on your head.
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