Thursday, April 13, 2006

worst thing of today:
tie between finding one of my tires completely flat when i went out to my car this morning
being witness to bat urination, then bat sex followed by bat urination

best thing of today:
maybe i will get back to you


At 4/13/2006 5:03 PM, Blogger Kristi said...

finding out my tire was only punctured and could be patched,
going to get it patched and not being charged!
is this how tire places do business? patching tires and being all, "it's good to go, now!" and not charging for their work? i do not understand this! but it is so a-ok!

At 4/13/2006 5:30 PM, Blogger Kristi said...

in which jen inexplicably defends the bats:

[17:18] Admiral Fancy: seriously though, i may have nightmares about the bat area
[17:18] pookie: that bad?
[17:19] Admiral Fancy: oh yes
[17:19] Admiral Fancy: it's all dark of course
[17:19] Admiral Fancy: and then at first you think, oh neat, we're kind of close to them, we can really see their little ears, and wings, and faces
[17:19] Admiral Fancy: then one pisses
[17:20] Admiral Fancy: then you look away from that, and are all, wait, is that one bat? no, two? are they fighting?
[17:20] Admiral Fancy: no
[17:20] Admiral Fancy: not fighting
[17:20] Admiral Fancy: sexing
[17:20] pookie: hahaha
[17:20] Admiral Fancy: and not just one pair
[17:20] pookie: springtime is in the air
[17:20] Admiral Fancy: and then you look away and there's this other mass of bat
[17:20] Admiral Fancy: and you think, uh oh, is this two having sex too?
[17:20] Admiral Fancy: but no, it's either a pregnant bat or a severly deformed one
[17:20] Admiral Fancy: crawling across the ceiling
[17:20] Admiral Fancy: like, a huge tumorous bat
[17:21] Admiral Fancy: and so you look away
[17:21] Admiral Fancy: and catch the sex bats disengage, and one of them urinates
[17:21] Admiral Fancy: it's just
[17:21] Admiral Fancy: it's so depressing and animalistic and depraved
[17:21] Admiral Fancy: all these gross creeping bats
[17:21] Admiral Fancy: with their pissing and sex and deformities
[17:21] Admiral Fancy: dude
[17:21] Admiral Fancy: so bad
[17:21] Admiral Fancy: i am sorry
[17:22] Admiral Fancy: i have now given you nightmares
[17:22] pookie: ha
[17:22] pookie: sex and pissing are pretty universal
[17:22] Admiral Fancy: not usually with such frequency
[17:22] Admiral Fancy: usually animals just sleep
[17:23] pookie: ha
[17:23] pookie: ok
[17:23] Admiral Fancy: and, not pissing FROM THE CEILING
[17:23] pookie: when you live on the ceiling, you do most stuff there
[17:23] Admiral Fancy: not having sex right in front of you ON THE CEILING
[17:23] Admiral Fancy: it is just not pleasant to see
[17:23] pookie: but yeah, i probably would have been grossed out too
[17:23] Admiral Fancy: and it's creepy and dark
[17:23] Admiral Fancy: so many bats
[17:24] pookie: stupid bats
[17:24] Admiral Fancy: yes

At 4/13/2006 5:31 PM, Blogger Kristi said...

ooohooo, longest comment ever

At 4/14/2006 6:09 AM, Blogger Kristi said...

hah. all i can say is, if you were there, you would walk away disturbed. lots of creeping around the ceiling, lots of pee, a TUMOROUS BAT, i tell you.
oh, and their creepy rat faces.

At 4/14/2006 3:00 PM, Blogger Vivren said...

What ceiling has so many bats?

I'd have to agree though--seeing bat sex would probably be cool because how many people have actually seen that?

At 4/14/2006 4:36 PM, Blogger Kristi said...

the ceiling of the bat display at the zoo.
i would bet many more people have seen bat sex than you'd think. anyone going to a zoo where there are bats, i'd wager.


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