Friday, March 31, 2006

Writing any blog entry on a Friday night invites the world (or, the 3 people who comprise your reading audience) to weep for you. What I'm about to write will only make you pity me more, because truly, it is some kind of pathetic, but at the same time as I feel this shame I also feel a triumph.

Ok, so I am watching tv, and something on there made me ask myself, "wait, who was the professor I had a huge crush on in college?" It was in some way relevant. At first, oh it is sad, I could not think of the name! But then "Maximillian" popped to the fore, and is it any wonder, who has that kind of name, and the rest shortly followed: "Ryan Maximillian Moore."

Oh my, was he endearing. I was in his very first class he ever professored. Full of the vim and vigor he was, it was a sociology class, about youth and music and so it was fun, and he wore this corduroy blazer with elbow patches, and I can't say it's the elbow patches alone that did it, but they sure helped. Someone I used to be friends with had him for another class and had the boldness to make the man a mix cd, which of course he properly appreciated. Why didn't I think to make him a mix cd? Or, you know, to go see him during office hours?
Same answer, really: I was a shy little doofus. But oh, the regret.

Oh, I had a story to tell. The story: I've been drinking a little. And, of course, I am one you weep for in pity etc etc. So I thought, HEY, I am going to look Ryan Maximillian Moore up, on the internet!

Google wasn't into the Maximillian part, so I tried just the initial. Look!

At first I wasn't sure it was him, because he was in Florida (ick) but then he commented on a book called The Professors and mentioned that he has students, and mentioned WHERE he has students, and so I looked the place up and looked him up and BAM, first thing says "sociology of youth" and DUDE that is what I TOOK from him! He is teaching it NOW! How nice.

So I've successfully google-stalked. That seems to be my triumph.

Demand for viewer participation: Did you have any crushes on professors?


At 4/01/2006 2:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the creepiest things that I've encountered is a website called (or somesuch) where (you guessed it)... students rate their professors. While many (if not most) of the comments are simply "sux" or "too hard"... there are a few that are bewildering. One from my University says "Nice. But smells like Irish Spring." Wha? The best part is that professors with a little chilli pepper beside their name have been deemed "hot" by the voting community. I'm not sure why this disturbs me to the extent that it does... but it just DOES.

At 4/01/2006 8:09 AM, Blogger Kristi said...

i would be so paranoid, if i were a professor. it's bad enough, doing the evals after every course, i'd bet, but then to have it out there for ALL THE WORLD TO SEE, oh my. poor professors.

i like that irish spring was a negative. unless it's bigoted slang for saying he/she's a drunk? poor professors.

At 4/01/2006 12:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my dad is a professor (well, he's a dean now, but he's still on that rate site), and while I'm happy his students like him, I'm a little grossed out that he's a "hot" chili pepper. But he's told me stories of students implying that they would do *anything* to get a better grade, so maybe the kids at his school are just whores.

I had a girl crush on one of my professors! She had a photographic memory. I still want to be her.

At 4/01/2006 1:06 PM, Blogger Kristi said...

ha, hot dad! i haven't had to suffer that discomfort myself, but i guess it must be annoying.

At 4/04/2006 2:41 PM, Blogger Vivren said...

There is a professor here who is soooo cute. I think mostly because he came from Harvard. His brain is hot.

At 4/04/2006 3:50 PM, Blogger Jen said...

I totally had a crush on a professor that I took a class from in Australia. I feel silly saying more than that. :)

At 4/05/2006 8:24 PM, Blogger Kristi said...

In fact, "Call the Doctor" is a wonderful song about the medicalization of power and discourses of normalization that would have made Foucault jealous for its analytic depth.



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