Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I haven't sent lit mixes/mix cds yet, but will in the next day or so I believe--I want to know, does anyone not in the, uh, club want one?

Also, lit mixers out there, I'm still planning on sending one to everyone originally in the rotation (and then also Natasha) since this is only my 2nd one and I've received 2 from them...that sound right? I don't want to send them stuff they don't want and all, I just figured fair's fair in the lit mix exchange, 2 for 2.
Of course that sounds right. Ok.

So yeah, anyone else out there, want one? Let me know, soonish. There will be excerpts of stuff from Ander Monson, Donald Barthelme, Richard Brautigan, maybe Calvin Trillin, and there will even be some Magic Pudding. The mix cd has, you know, the kind of stuff I listen to. I cannot tell how much anyone will like either mix, so you take a risk. But it could be something fun to get in the mail.


At 4/01/2006 2:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sign me up, please.

At 4/01/2006 8:03 AM, Blogger Kristi said...



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