Friday, September 16, 2005

Today was teddy bear picnic day (more a teddy day) at the school. There was a parachute, and there were frisbee things, and there were root beer floats and like lots of glueing things and even there was stale popcorn. I can hardly keep my eyes open. Make coffee, or give in to my desire for wine?
I am not really asking. Because you will not give me prompt response, internet. I should like make a point to socialize with people now that I know people here. But I am tired. I wake up at 5:30 every morning basically. 5:30.

At the end of the school day, before the parachute and frisbee and then table-cleaning chair-stacking finale, there was a really nice time, when I got to sit down with a root beer float myself and watch the Winnie the Pooh video, one that I'd seen as a kid, and watch these kids laugh at it, and it was raining in the story while it was raining outside our window.

I bet some kids will remember today for a long time, when they try to. I remember certain days from elementary school, like when we saw Pollyanna, when we had an obstacle course, when ...I don't know, things like today. It's so weird to think I'm part of a kid's memory of childhood maybe now, in a small way. It is an obvious thing of course, but it's still odd to feel it happen.


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