Monday, September 05, 2005

in 2 weeks' time, 11:40 went from wind-down time to deep dark oh so lateness.

Augh, sometimes I just cannot think about what I need to think about. I have this thing to write, this thing, and maybe it's harder to write because I have a tiny crush on the professor, which is so weird, because he's bald, and married, and from the South and probably christian, but he's got a picture of Camus on an office wall, and several Nabokov books in his office library, and I can't turn crap in to him...
but mainly my problems with writing this one thing have to do with not being able to stop thinking about unhelpful things, in unhelpful ways,
and then Otis Redding comes on the poddy shuffle
and I want to just lie face down on the floor right then, for the rest of the night and maybe another week on top of that.

But, see, I don't!

I need more than this, I tell you.
Why am I such a headcase?
(Don't answer.)


At 9/06/2005 12:04 AM, Blogger Leo said...

Hey I stumbled on your blog and wanted to let you know I think it's pretty cool. You write well, keep it up. If you want to check mine out it's called lionboi blues & news. Take care.

At 9/06/2005 11:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sometimes Otis makes things so much better. other times, much much worse.

At 9/07/2005 5:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my guess is this is scott...
silly, all you have to do to once again have your name is to click "other" instead of anonymous, and then you can put in your name and you don't even have to put in a web page, and tada! you can be you! as i am me, and we are we!

one of the times otis makes things much better: early mornings, somehow, when i'm grumbley and can't get myself going.

At 9/07/2005 5:59 AM, Blogger Kristi said...

i did the "other" thing there just for kicks to show how easily it can be done..and though you will not show up blue, you will be there.


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