please, please please, use the phrase "something about llamas in the Pyranees" whenever you possibly can
Sometimes I read the Salon advice column, and I can't really pinpoint why. Advice column reading feels horoscope reading, or soap opera viewing, there's something unsavory about it, something gossipy and voyeuristic and cheesy, OH IT IS LIKE REALITY TELEVISION, a little. Yeah: my interest in both comes from pretty much the same place, a curiosity about other people and how they live, and what other people think is the right way to live in the world...the responses, see, fascinate me as much/no, more than the advisee's letters.
This is a lot of preamble for what I actually want to share with you. But I've still got a ways to go...ok, so this one letter, at the salon site, is insane, very dramatic, very obviously fake or anyhow altered from the base reality of whatever letterwriter's life story is. Then the advice guy answered, and his answer was kind of ok, though not so awesome that I am coming here to share THAT with you, and wow, it's pretty retarded that I am writing this entry for the purpose I do have anyway...
But ok! To come to the point!: (<---a new feat of punctuation magic!) People who read the salon advice column also write in, themselves, to talk about what they thought of the letter and advice! Twerps! But, I read that too sometimes, because it's the same thing---people talking about how they think people should live in the world, basically.
This entry is so fucking pointless, and I keep wanting to tell you that, every other sentence, yet I cannot stifle the compulsion to write it.
ok! so! If you will, read the original letter, and now read this.
I cannot tell if that person is serious or not. If serious, yikesaroo and my mind is blown; if not, oh, anon has won my heart forevermore.
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