Sunday, June 04, 2006

Every now and then, I have been wanting to yell out CALL THE POLICE, as a catchphrase, only I knew I had no idea how to explain.

I just spent far too long searching for this blog entry, which has haunted me for over a year now:

I had nothing more to go on than "CALL THE POLICE" "bear" and "birthday". Yes, this blog also has posts concerning bears, and birthdays.

That I finally found that post proves the internet is magic.


At 6/04/2006 9:41 PM, Blogger Kristi said...

Even the blogwhore comments are gold:
"I'm a huge fan, so you might like canine mange", with link to canine mange site? I don't know, man, I didn't investigate.

At 6/07/2006 4:42 PM, Blogger jack said...

The pug named Dr. sofa king awesome.

At 6/07/2006 4:43 PM, Blogger jack said...

This site explains the random subject lines of emails that fool our spam detectors. I bet said detectors scratch their heads going "WTF? well I guess it must not be spam..."


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