Saturday, March 04, 2006

I just got back from my school site. IT IS SATURDAY. How retarded. I cut a lot of paper. I did reading group plans, and got stressed, and stole a quarter from the interactive money chart.

I hope I remember to replace it. I really needed some caffeine right then though. It was all I could do to keep myself from rooting around in the pockets of the lost-and-found coats. Yes, looting small children's misplaced coats.

But then I got hungry, and I couldn't leave the building and come back because I would have been locked out, and I couldn't take a chair to the vending machine glass because I think they would have figured out it was me. Also it started to get really cold in there. I don't believe the heater works on weekends. So yeah, it was fucking retarded. And, ok listen to how lameass this is: I brought home yarn, and a hole punch, because I am not through with this dumb shit, I have bucketloads more of it yet to do!

I missed Rebecca this week. See, I had retarded shit to do then too. How ridiculous is that? I could have seen this

on the big screen!

Well, I now make this vow, before you all:


Barring death or serious injury.


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