Thursday, October 20, 2005

So also today I got notice that my private loan (3910.00/semester) is somehow nonexistent. This is months after I received my refund check from the school. Last time I had any reason to believe there were problems with the school processing the loan was in July. Last sentence I wrote on the matter, to the head of the financial aid dept: "Let me know if there's anything more you need me to do." There was never a reply.
Luckily my parents happen to have the funds to cover this semester, but wow.

This fucking school.

Tomorrow afternoon I have a meeting, with the director of the program, about the program. My probable dropout friend and the good professor will be there too. I don't have any idea how it will go. Frustrating or cathartic, it seems like a good thing to do.

I need to add a good thing about my day. Other than the luck of my parents having 3900 bucks to spare. Really though, I should be thankful enough for that.

Ok: I was really good at learning kids' names today. Oh, also: my old class was happy to see me in the halls. They've maybe missed me a little.
And, I have looked uglier.


At 10/22/2005 4:09 PM, Blogger spicey pineapple said...

schools do that, they stuff thngs around, you think that with all the money they reeiev and such that they would have a system not to mess people around?


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