Why Nobody Should Ever Make Conversation With Me
21:00] Admiral Fancy: i am reading "those who walk away" by patricia highsmith
[21:00] Admiral Fancy: so far, good
[21:00] Admiral Fancy: only on 2nd chapter though
[21:00] neducsd03: i'm reading Peace like a river
[21:00] Admiral Fancy: i am not familiar with that one
[21:00] Admiral Fancy: good?
[21:00] neducsd03: yeah..
[21:00] neducsd03: i'm liking it
[21:00] Admiral Fancy: cool
[21:00] Admiral Fancy: what's it about?
[21:01] neducsd03: a family..
[21:01] neducsd03: the mom is dead.
[21:01] Admiral Fancy: my goodness
[21:01] neducsd03: the eldest son kills two guys who took kidnapped his sister
[21:02] Admiral Fancy: yikes
[21:02] neducsd03: the dad brother and sister.. returned.. look for the brother..
[21:02] neducsd03: as he broke out of jail.
[21:02] neducsd03: the dad gets sick..
[21:02] Admiral Fancy: and dies?
[21:02] neducsd03: and is full of faith
[21:02] Admiral Fancy: a horrid death?
[21:02] Admiral Fancy: and full of pain?
[21:02] neducsd03: prays a lot and is a believer
[21:03] Admiral Fancy: i am never reading this book, i think
[21:03] neducsd03: the middle son...
[21:03] Admiral Fancy: dies too?
[21:03] Admiral Fancy: in agony?
[21:03] neducsd03: looks outside at the dad and sees him pacing back and forth on the porch...
[21:03] Admiral Fancy: and kills him?
[21:03] Admiral Fancy: thinking he's an intruder?
[21:04] neducsd03: except that he is so engrossed in prayer.. he does not realize that he is walking on air ... the son cannot explain it
[21:04] Admiral Fancy: um
[21:04] neducsd03: its a good book
[21:04] neducsd03: give me a break
[21:04] Admiral Fancy: i would, but my goodness
[21:04] Admiral Fancy: that sounds horrible
[21:04] neducsd03: its not that bad
[21:04] Admiral Fancy: if you say so
[21:04] neducsd03: the mom was dead to begin with
[21:04] Admiral Fancy: that's supposed to make me feel better?
[21:04] neducsd03: yeah
[21:05] Admiral Fancy:
[21:05] neducsd03: sf chronicle says "Peace LIke a river serves as a reminder of why we read fiction to begin with"
[21:06] Admiral Fancy: "to laugh long and loud"
[21:06] Admiral Fancy: "in incredulity"
[21:06] Admiral Fancy: you are never going to talk to me again
[21:07] neducsd03: read the amazon write up
[21:08] neducsd03: yep.. never going to talk with you again.. ... not
[21:10] Admiral Fancy: well it looks much better the way they talk about it
[21:10] neducsd03: thanks
ha ha ha ha ...sounds like "7th Heaven" fan fiction to me.
the amazon blurb really does make it sound better, i've gotta say.
I was thinking later of how you would describe a lot of good books and if you go by plot alone, then A Separate Peace, To Kill a Mockingbird, Invisible Man, and Of Mice and Men all would be described similar to the posting above.
it took me far too long to realize "B" = Brendan.
it makes me think of that funny scene in the odd couple, except in this instance there's nothing particularly funny going on.
i am so glad, sometimes, that i blog.
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