Thursday, August 25, 2005

what i really need now is ideas

I followed through with most of my plan, except I didn't walk to the record store. It is still very warm here. I expected better of Oregon. Ok, so the picnic was nothing to write home or on one's blog about, I was there for maybe a little over a half hour because I'm not into was ok, not horrible, but not really anything at all. Worth making brownies? Eh.
Ok, but the best part of my plan was that record store jaunt. It was right after a dreadful team building session, in which we played group games like the one where you grab hands and untwist, and one where we had to all stand on two by fours and..
you know, really not worth the effort of describing. So many people so close to me for so long. Alone time=palpable relief.
And the album is good.
And here is one of the songs, along with a version of that song which I heard several months ago from some mp3 blog. This version is by a group headed by one of the New Pornographer members, a group called Destroyer. It does not sound like a band called Destroyer.

Click the link, takes you to page where you can right click save as. Links go dead in 7 days, so act now!
here is the destroyer version

here is the new pornographers version

Hope you like! New Pornographers are sunshine and dewdrops. With amphetamines, or, you know, caffeine. Yes.


At 8/25/2005 9:22 PM, Blogger Kristi said...

i finally fixed comments--didn't realize it was barring non-blogger people. and the pop up window is so much better than the other thing, yeah?


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