Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I've been trying to think lately of my last words to people, because I think I said some recently ("goddamn it, x"). Anyway, just now I was looking over my emails to this kid I was supposed to mentor but who ran away, and I found the weirdest, saddest ones I'll have in some time I bet:
"Well, I'll see you Monday, X. More donkey-sewing fun!"

Man. If you only knew about the donkeys. The sewing of the donkeys. The futility.

I don't know why I feel the need to share things that have such poor odds of being understood by anyone who's not me, but such is my blog mon ami. If that is, indeed, how one spells ami.

It is so weird that I have things to look forward to today. I don't quite trust them.


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