Sunday, November 13, 2005


I'm going on blog strike. This means no posting for a long time. It's better, though, than when I used to get in this mood and deleted my blogs.

Why a blog strike? I don't feel like I'm getting much out of the blog; I'm in a close-mouthed mood; other stuff. Probably things I talked about other times I "quit" blogging. Anyway, I'll talk to you all in other ways for now.

I sometimes go read on saturdays/sundays; looking at today's main page, though,
maybe it's the culture gap, maybe it's my brain
but almost every headline sounds exceedingly strange to me.
"Huge leap in bullying, warns czar"
"Blair faces fresh ID card rebellion"
"opera downsizes as italy's divas go on hunger strike"
"battlefront of the deadly dust"
They are so strange, the British.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Internet, answer me this: Do you ever hear the word "compunction" unaccompanied by "no"?

I have no compunction about punching kittens, why?

That sounds normal, right. But without "no"?

"I have compunction about that"?
"Compunction filled the room"
"I feel compunction"
"I've got some compunction"
"Do you feel any compunction?"
"Compunctions abound"
"She said this with an air of compunction"
"His words were punctuated by compunction"
"At that junction there was some compunction" says "compunctious" is a word
I felt compunctious
They were compunctious
The thieves were compunctious
They robbed with compunction
Breaking windows compunctiously
Crying compunctiously
I don't
I don't know English anymore


I'm going to go see a movie. Maybe I will tell you what I think, later.

Have some classic Russian comedy:
There'd been three changes of chairman in the last two years over at Voroshilov. They locked the first one up for stealing, the second one for seducing minors, and the third one, who'd been sent there to straighten things out and who did straighten things out for a while at the beginning, started drinking and kept on drinking until he drank away everything he owned and all the kolkhoz fund. Finally things got so bad that during a fit of DT's he went and hung himself and left a note with only one word on it, "Ech," followed by three exclamation points. No one had the slightest idea what this "Ech!!!" was supposed to mean.

--The Life and Extraordinary Adventures of Private Ivan Chonkin

so, so sad.

Friday, November 04, 2005

What I said in last entry's comments was plainly ridiculous.

I was going to show you a picture of how I balance my spoon when I make spaghetti but my phone is being retarded. I started to spell "phone" with an f.
What else can I tell you

While I was sorting papers into students' mailboxes today (such is the fun my practicum teacher allows me), I found this story James Coburn kid wrote for reading group (the smart one that meets in another class), and oh my gosh: the story was about 2 pirates, and a deformed superhero named Winston.
Did you get that?


Some people are amazing.

Also today I got a drawing from the adorable angry kid who is new to the school this year and is in counseling, because he was in counseling at his old school, and we the teacher and I can't know why, but his parents are divorced, and he is so sweet and smart and tough and hates school but gosh he's great
oh wait, he does this thing
he does this thing that Tim Conway did, for the Carol Burnett show, while dressed as an old man--this shuffle shuffle walk that is incredibly slow, while keeping his face deadpan, and this flips me out, that some 8 yr old kid has the exact same idea for being funny as Tim Conway had in 1970something. Only the kid doesn't wear a wig or talk like an old man while doing it.
I forgot what I was saying.
This kid is really awesome, was what I was saying, without really showing you any proof but trust me, and HEY GUESS WHAT he drew me a picture today! Yay!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

I took some pictures with my phone today. I really like these three:

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

misguided depression treatment, no. 38

ice cream for breakfast